Sunday, 24 February 2013

Influence and Inspiration

I don't remember what exactly it was that first inspired me to write. Honestly, I'd say that it was a simple childish delight in stories. So many of my best and most vivid early memories are of books I read, or stories that my parents told to me, or films I watched. I'm sure I wasn't unique in that, but it seems like I never really lost that basic fascination with the idea of creating something from nothing.

Of course these influences, and the things that I watch and read now, are a big part of how and why I write. More than that, though, it's also bits of half remembered adverts or news articles and all sorts of things that all get jumbled up in the big melting pot of my brain and somehow come out as a meal that's more delicious than its individual ingredients.

I've always been someone who focused more on ideas and building worlds than on the intricacies of plot and character, but recently I've been heavily influenced by character-driven stories with complex plots. Game Of Thrones, Firefly, and Deadwood have all been recent favourites of mine, and they all rely heavily on their engaging characters and dialogue to keep them going.

I think this is one of the biggest reasons that I am inspired by things - when someone else is able to do something I can't. It's petty really: like the sulky teenager who's refused something, I throw a little strop, then lock myself in my room until I get it.

I'll end this post - and the blog - with an old favourite song, largely because it inspired one of my first half-decent pieces of fiction.

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